Monday, July 13, 2009

Jury duty, and other American pastimes

I was called in to do jury duty. After hours of waiting, then lunch, then a couple more hours of waiting, I was told I actually didn't have to serve, as the afternoon court cases were canceled that day. Huzzah American judicial system! I did manage to catch this guy sleeping, though:

I also got to sketch a few people on July 4th, while waiting for the fireworks with a few friends.

Duckhead is watching you.


  1. Yay! Jury Duty! I like to see that you're drawing so frequently... I've been having some drawing blues lately...

  2. I've been carrying around a smaller sketchbook than my normal one lately, so I don't have an excuse not to randomly whip it out and sketch when I'm outside. Although, sometimes I end up just writing in it lol
