Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I've Been Busy.

I've been up to a few things lately:

1) Senior Thesis
I've got my storyboards mostly worked out. They just need a few tweaks; once I put together the animatic this week, I'll post it up here. Comments/advice will be much appreciated!

2) Traipsing around the universe
...and getting to sketch all the while. :)
I modeled for a friend of mine, and decided to draw her as she was drawing me. It's all squiggly because I couldn't move very much.

I saw this guy in Chinatown in New York. He stood like that for a couple of minutes, just enough time for me to jot him down on paper. He was wearing an awesome lavender jacket.

3) Why was I in New York? Well, I was coming back to Philadelphia after meeting Lisa Crafts for an internship. Crafts is a fantastic stop-motion/computer animator. She is working with the photographer Aura Rosenberg on a short film; it looks like a really cool project, and I'm excited to work on it with them.

4) 10FieldDesigns
I've got a couple of new bags up at my Etsy account. One is a sketchbook bag that I hand-appliquéd and hand-inked, and the other is a tote for general art supplies (i.e. sketchpad, pencils, etc). You can purchase them here.

5) Aurora Sanction
Last but not least, Aurora Sanction is finally getting off the ground. The comic is still in the planning stages, but now you can follow along with its progress!
This is another project I'm very excited about. Bookmark it; on the blog will be sketches, updates, and general rantings about the comic.

That's it for now. I've got a couple more things under my belt, but I'll post about them later.

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