Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Art Jam: Part 2

Remember this post about the art jam I went to recently? No? Well, I went to an art jam recently. Two musicians (Sammy Shuster and Umer Piracha) played music and sang, and two artists (Corey Bechelli and myself) created a collaborative artwork to go with it. This is one of the joint pieces we made. This wasn't planned out, but rather simultaneously drawn and projected on a screen as the musicians played.

Real-time art performances are so freeing. All the creativity just shoots out, and no matter what gets made, it's always interesting because of how it's made.

Sammy and Corey are the two members of Blown Away; they perform live music and art shows in and around Philadelphia. They are super fun, and incredibly talented. If you haven't been to one of their shows, and you live in the tri-state area, I will do my best to update when their next one will take place. Umer Piracha is a musician who performs in and around Philadelphia as well. Originally from Pakistan, he performs in both English and Urdu, and his shows of late involve visualizations, electronic beats, and other technology-inspired elements. These shows are also something you should attend if you live in the tri-state area. The mixture of Umer and Sammy's voices and music lent a great pairing to Corey's and my artwork.

1 comment:

  1. I like this - wonder what it could look like, moving...
